The implementation process is complete, from design to commissioning. 


Before starting the implementation, an important element of the design process is consultation with the client, discussion of expectations and conceptual assumptions, local vision, and familiarization with the technical conditions of the facility and project documentation.

This allows for the determination of technical and functional solutions, the adjustment of appropriate devices and systems, and the choice of cable routing in a wired installation. 


Our next task is to develop the project. The assessment of acoustics, proper design, and element selection for the electroacoustic system can be achieved through measurement of the acoustic parameters of the interior and computer simulation in an acoustic model.

Auditioner technology allows for the listening of the designed system in a virtual model and presentation of the work results. Test and trial expenses are reduced and design time is shortened.


Based on the developed concept, after checking the system's operation in a computer simulation, and thanks to auralization, which enables the presentation and listen to the designed system, we perform executive documentation.

Our team is prepared to handle both wiring assembly and equipment installation, as well as configuration, commissioning, and tuning of the system. We provide supervision over the installations and warranty and post-warranty service.

All rights reserved 2023. Projekt i wykonanie agencja interaktywna